Ever find yourself eating an entire package of something snacky that was supposed to last a whole week? You’re not alone. That’s called a snackcident, and it happens to the best of us. Joking aside, for a lot of people, eating really is a mindless thing, or a fraught thing, or just another thing to check off of a long to-do list. It can be so much more than that, though.
Mindful eating offers a different approach that’s not about strict rules or diets. As the name suggests, it brings full attention to your food experience… a return to eating’s simple pleasures: savoring aromas, appreciating flavors, and truly feeling nourished.
The Science of Slowing Down
Your body needs about 20 minutes to register fullness, so eating mindfully means that you naturally pace yourself, improving digestion and nutrient absorption while also reducing the propensity to eat in unhealthy ways.
Three Common (Unhealthy) Eating Patterns to Break
- Emotional Eating: Using food to cope with feelings? Notice emotional triggers and pause before eating to check in with what you truly need.
- Distracted Eating: If you’re constantly eating while working or watching TV, try creating dedicated meal times without screens.
- Rush Eating: Quick meals often lead to digestive issues and overeating. Put down your utensils between bites and chew thoroughly.
A Daily 5-Step Mindful Eating Practice
Before the Meal:
- Check your hunger level (1-10)
- Create a calm eating space
- Remove distractions
During the Meal:
- Take a moment to appreciate the food in front of you
- Chew slowly, aiming for 20-30 times per bite
- Put utensils down between bites
- Notice flavors and textures
After the Meal:
- Check your satisfaction level
- Notice your energy
- Take a moment for gratitude
Making It Work in Real Life
At Work:
- Schedule proper breaks with enough time to eat
- Create a pleasant eating space, even in the break room
- Pack appropriate portions so you have enough but aren’t sluggishly full
Social Dining:
- Stay present in (and contribute to) conversations
- Choose mindful options… Do you really need a burger or does your body want a big salad?
- Consider boxing half your restaurant meal immediately
While Traveling:
- Plan meals when possible
- Keep healthy snacks handy
- Stay hydrated
Mindful eating isn’t about perfection—it’s mostly about presence. Each meal time offers a chance to nourish all parts of you in a very real way. You can start small, with just one mindful meal per day, and gradually build this practice into your lifestyle. With time, you’ll discover not only better digestion and a healthier relationship to food, but a deeper appreciation for the simple joy of eating too.