We all have habits that shape our daily lives. Whether it’s reaching for your phone first thing in the morning or taking the same route to work, these automatic behaviors make up nearly half of what we do each day. What if you could use these existing habits as building blocks for positive change? You can!
What Is Habit Stacking?
Habit stacking is brilliantly simple: attach new behaviors to your existing routines. Instead of trying to build habits from scratch, you’re piggybacking on neural pathways that are already well-established in your brain.
The formula is straightforward: “After [CURRENT HABIT], I will [NEW HABIT].”
For example:
- After pouring my morning coffee, I’ll do one minute of deep breathing
- Before checking social media, I’ll drink a glass of water
- After brushing my teeth, I’ll read one page of a book
Why It Works
Your brain loves efficiency. When you perform an action repeatedly, your neurons create stronger connections, making that behavior automatic. Habit stacking takes advantage of these existing neural pathways by linking new behaviors to established ones – like adding a new stop on a familiar route.
Making It Work For You
Map Your Day
- List your automatic daily behaviors
- Identify natural transition points
- Look for opportunities to add small, positive actions
Start Tiny
- Choose actions so small they feel almost too easy
- Build up gradually over time
- Focus on consistency over intensity
Use SMART Criteria
- Specific: “I’ll do five pushups” vs. “I’ll exercise more”
- Measurable: Track with a simple yes/no
- Achievable: Start with what you’re 90% sure you can do
- Relevant: Connect to your larger goals
- Time-bound: Set specific times and review periods
Stay On Track
- Use a simple tracking method (app or journal)
- Create visual reminders
- Find an accountability partner
- Design your environment for success
Common Pitfalls and Solutions
- Missing a Day: Don’t let one slip derail you. Resume immediately.
- Doing Too Much: Scale back rather than give up.
- Changing Contexts: Have backup plans for different situations.
Start Simple
Always remember, you’re not trying to transform overnight. Research shows it typically takes around 66 days to form a new habit, but this varies person to person.
Start with one simple stack today. Make it so easy you can’t say no. Want to read more? Start with one paragraph after your morning coffee. Need to move more? Do two squats after every bathroom break.
What small change will you stack today?